What Does 1 Peter 2:11 Mean?

Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.

1 Peter 2:11(NASB)

Verse of the Day

We have moved from the kingdom of darkness into God's glorious kingdom of light. We have passed from death to life, from being a child of Satan to being a child of the King of kings, from being of the old creation in Adam to being a new creation in Christ, and it is a transaction that was signed in blood on a wooden cross two thousand years ago, when Christ redeemed us from our sins.

Peter urges and implores us to remember that we are simply sojourners, life-pilgrims, ambassadors of the King, on the journey of life as we pass through this world which has been cursed with sin and is being deceived and manipulated by Satan.

As God's blood-bought children and as His peculiar representatives on earth, we are required to be faithful witnesses to the One that bought us with His blood, for this gives glory to God and confounds the kingdom of Satan.

But we must remember that we are also exiled from his dark world, banished from his kingdom, and have become Satan's bitter foe – and so the enemy will do anything to prevent us from faithfully following God's way and dangles many worldly treats in our pathway, which Scripture calls the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. And the apostle Peter, that big, blustery fisherman saw the glory of Christ and became a gentle lover of his Lord and a wise instructor to those that follow the Way, the Truth, the Light, and the Life.

And Peter reminds us that the 'treats' that Satan strews in our way are passions of our flesh that tickle our fancies and damage our soul – they are lusts that feed our self-life and starve us of the Bread of Life that is the only nourishment that is good for our souls. They are cravings of our heart and passions of the flesh, which cause an internal battle within and prevent the Spirit from continuing His work in our lives of conforming us into the image and likeness of Jesus.

Like Peter, we have seen the glory of Christ and are part of God's chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, so that we may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called us out of darkness into his marvellous light.

Like Peter, we have been called for a purpose, so let us glorify God in our lives.

My Prayer

Loving Father, I know that this world is not my home. Help me to be a faithful witness to You in body, soul, and spirit by resisting temptations of the flesh and the treats of the enemy. Help me to walk worthy before You all the days of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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