What Does Colossians 3:17 Mean?

And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him.

Colossians 3:17(AMP)

Verse of the Day

This little verse sums up in a nutshell what the Christian's life should look like and how the born-again believer should behave moment by moment, in word and in deed, in mind and in motive.

The question should not be, "What would Jesus do?" but can this action be carried out in the name of Jesus and to His glory? Can the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be done in the name of Jesus? Is what I say and do honouring Him? Is what I am and what I think worthy of Him, and is my behaviour an accurate reflection of His holy name, or would I be ashamed if He were to catch me in the very act?

Were we to faithfully apply this verse in our everyday, mundane life, how quickly we would unbolt the portal to our pain and bathe our problems in His perfect peace. Were we to live our lives in full submission to this godly truth, how many difficulties would disappear, and how many obstacles would become glorious opportunities to lift up His name in thankful praise to God the Father?

Were we to do everything in word and in deed in the name of the Lord Jesus and live our lives in total dependence upon Him through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving and praise, how honouring this would be to our Heavenly Father.

By grace through faith in Him we are eternally joined with the Lord Jesus, identified with His righteousness, in union with Him, and a member of His body. Whatever we do in word and in deed no matter what it is, let us do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and in total dependence upon Him.

Let us remember that we are witnesses of His grace and His chosen representatives on earth. May all we do in word or deed be done in His name, giving praise and thanksgiving to God the Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, search my heart, I pray, and see if there is anything that is preventing me from living unto the Lord. May all I do in word and deed, be carried out in the name of Jesus and to His praise and glory. Keep my eyes looking to Him and my heart ready to do His will. Thank You, Father, that I am called by His name. Thank You that You Who started a good work in me, will complete it in the day of Christ Jesus. To You be all honour and praise, thanksgiving and worship. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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