What Does Colossians 3:4 Mean?

When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.

Colossians 3:4(NASB)

Verse of the Day

Christ died for our sins as our substitute (substitution), but He also died unto sin by breaking the power of sin over us (identification). When we trusted Jesus as Saviour we were placed in HIM. The moment we were saved, we were baptised into the Body of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Is this not glorious?

Not only are our sins forgiven through His blood because of substitution, but the power of sin and death over us has been severed forever by means of His Resurrection into which we are identified with Christ. Does this not stagger the mind?

By faith, our old life in Adam died with Christ, we were made a new creation in Him, and given the life of Christ. The old sin nature that executed its exclusive rulership over our lives, died in Christ at the Cross. He identified with our sin so that we could be identified with His righteousness.

'Me, myself and I' was crucified on Calvary's Cross. We became part of a new creation and were given a new baby life in Christ, for we died to the old life in Adam and became alive in Jesus Christ our Lord. We were made a new man, with a new Christ-like nature and a new Christ-like heart, and day by day we are being conformed into His image and likeness. In the light of this wonderful truth, we should seek to live godly lives, as unto the Lord, and allow the new-life in Christ to grow and mature in our inner being. We should keep the old sinful life nailed to the Cross and never allow the old life in Adam to regain control of our heart or rule our minds.

Because Christ is our sin substitute and we are identified with Him, we are not our own. We were are bought with a price, the precious blood of Christ Jesus our Lord, and the life we now live in the flesh is His life, for He is our Shepherd and we are the sheep of His pasture.

Christ is not only the substitute for our sin, but He identified with our sin so that we might become the righteousness of God through faith in Him, and when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Then we who are identified with Him by His death and Resurrection shall be revealed with Him in glory.

Is not this an amazing truth? "For we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump!" Is not this glorious? Does not this stagger the mind? Should we not seek to walk in holiness and righteousness all our days, knowing that our sins are forgiven and we are one with Christ?

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, it staggers my mind to realise that You loved me enough to die on the Cross to forgive my sins and were identified with me, a condemned sinner, so that I could be forgiven and identified with Your righteousness. Praise Your Holy name, AMEN.

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