What Does Esther 4:14 Mean?

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?"

Esther 4:14(NASB)

Verse of the Day

The book of Esther commands a unique perspective on Israel's history, taking a peep behind the scenes of the Persian monarchy and giving insight into a particular historical event that is not mentioned elsewhere in the Scriptures - but which gave rise the Jews feast of Purim.

Throughout their history Israel has been viciously attacked by the rest of the world - a satanically orchestrated plan to prevent God from fulfilling His plans to redeem mankind. They are unknowingly in defiance against God and being used as Satan's pawns to wipe out God's chosen people. And yet it is through Israel that all the families of the earth are blessed.. because Jesus - God's only begotten Son, is the promised Jewish Messiah.. Who was sent to save His people from their sin and Whose death, burial and resurrection paid the price for the sin of the world - for whosoever would believe on His name.

The turn of events that brought Esther, a young Jewess, into the position of queen of Persia, could only have been orchestrated by God Himself. And it was through her intervention at this critical time in their history that the nation, through whom was given the holy Scriptures, was saved from total annihilation.

Her uncle, Mordecai, had uncovered a plot to exterminate the entire Jewish race and he instructed Esther to intervene on behalf of her people. Her initial hesitation was natural.. for anyone, including the queen herself, who approached the great king Xerxes uninvited, risked execution - unless the king graciously extended his scepter towards the uninvited 'guest.

Mordecai challenged her with words that Jews and Christians down through the centuries have often rehearsed in the ears of those who are called upon to carry out a particularly difficult or dangerous task.. in order to forward God's plans and purposes - for who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this? - Who know whether or not you have been placed in this particular position for this very purpose?

Sometimes God will indeed place a man or woman into a particular place or bring them into a peculiar set of circumstances in order to carry out a distinct task.. to speak a particular word or fulfil a certain challenge. God often graciously uses His people to carry out distinct tasks or challenges, in order to fulfil His perfect plans and purposes, which cannot fail.

But if we are unwilling to take up the gauntlet, God will carry out His initiative through another willing servant or use an alternative course, in order to complete His plan of redemption. Indeed Esther herself was given such a warning that if she acted selfishly and tried to save her own skin, because of her royal status.. her wealth, power and position would hold no security for her. Indeed she was warned - if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place.. but at what a cost. Esther would have lost an opportunity to be used by God in His unfolding plan of redemption..

As believers we are all God's servants and each one has been planted in a place of God's choosing.. to be used by Him as He forwards His redemptive plan. In an amazing way each one of us could be challenged with the words: who know whether or not you have been placed in this particular position for a time such as this? We may not be called upon to act as regent to a great and mighty king, like Esther.. but each one of us can be used by God to minister.. to a lost neighbour, a prodigal son, a straying daughter, a sick relative, a local catastrophe - a hurting heart.

Let us be ready and willing like queen Esther to carry out the work that God has prepared for us to do, even when the task seems difficult, dangerous or daunting - for who knows whether or not you have been placed in this particular position - to pay a little part in the history of man's redemption.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of queen Esther who was prepared to stand up for what is good and righteous, despite the possible dangers, embarrassment or repercussions. Help us to do what is righteous in Your eyes and to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit - so that we do not miss an opportunity to be used by You in the service to others - to Your praise and glory, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

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