What Does Jeremiah 17:17 Mean?

Don't become a terror to me. You are my refuge in the day of disaster.

Jeremiah 17:17(HCSB)

Verse of the Day

The nation who follows the Lord is a blessed nation indeed, but the Lord God will lift His hand of protection and even send judgments on a nation that turns its back on God or openly defies His Word. Ancient Israel is such an example of a nation that denounced their God, and although individuals like Jeremiah within that nation chose to trust in the Lord, inevitable judgement came to Israel because they had openly defied their God.

Jeremiah had fulfilled all that was desired of him as God's warning megaphone to His people Israel, calling them to turn from their sins and return to the Lord, but they would not heed to his warning and so Jeremiah pleaded to the Lord: "Don't become a terror to me. You are my refuge in the day of disaster."

There is nothing more distressing to a child of God that to realise that his nation has turned their back on their God and that judgement is the inevitable and unavoidable consequence. But Jeremiah knew that even if God turned His back on the nation as a whole, He would still be the ever present refuge for individuals in that nation, who called out to God and put their trust in him.

In these dark days when an anti-God agenda is flooding the world, it seems like many nations have turned or are turning their back on God. Nation after nation is shutting God out, and it seems like every area of life is being infiltrated, such as education, health, and even the family. In such days, it is more crucial than ever that each born-again child of God needs to cry to the Father: "You are my refuge in the day of disaster."

Jesus has promised to be with us no matter what circumstances we face in life, and we should take comfort in the fact that the plans and purposes of God will one day be accomplished, no matter what the anti-God agenda of our day dictates to the contrary. Let us hold fast that which is good, render to no man evil for evil, but support the weak in faith and trust in the Lord our God. For He is our refuge in the day of disaster and underneath are His everlasting arms of love.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You that You are my God. Keep me ever faithful to Your Word and in the secure knowledge that no matter what happens, You are my refuge in the day of disaster. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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