What Does Micah 4:1 Mean?

And it will come about in the last days That the mountain of the house of the LORD Will be established as the chief of the mountains It will be raised above the hills, And the peoples will stream to it.

Micah 4:1(NASB)

Verse of the Day

Amidst his warnings against being misled by ungodly rulers, downtrodden by greedy politicians or enticed away from the truth of God's Word by false prophets and unholy priests - Micah was a man who had deep sympathy for the downtrodden people of Israel.

Amidst his predictions of doom for Israel's wealthy oppressors.. and his denunciation of their ungodly leaders and covetous clerics, Micah gave a wonderful description of Israel's future blessings - which are to become a reality in the prophesised millennial rule of Christ.

The wonderful promise of their coming Messiah and the exciting prospect of His Millennial rule is a particularly joyful section in Micah's prophetic message. Although he prophesies of God's wrath and judgement against Israel and Judah for their idolatry.. and laments the sorry state of the nation's spiritual condition, Micah also promises restoration for the faithful remnant of Israel in the end times.

By inspiration of the Holy Spirit Micah tells how God Himself would once again gather his people from exile - emphasising a future hope for the nation and demonstrating the long-suffering grace of Israel's God and King.

Micah announced that it will come to pass that in the last days the mountain of the House of the Lord would once again be established as the most important place on earth. The Temple of the Lord will be rebuilt and people from every nation, will travel to the holy city of Jerusalem.. to honour Israel's Messiah King. They will be taught the ways of the Lord and will give Him the honour and praise that is due to His holy name.

Micah is one of many prophets that have foretold of the coming Millennial kingdom of Christ, where Israel will be established in the land and the Church - which is the body of Christ, will rule and reign with Him for a thousand years - for it will come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of the LORD will be established as the chief of the mountains. It will be raised above the hills, and the peoples will stream to it.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, how we praise Your name for Your never-failing faithfulness to Your people Israel.. and that the day is coming when they will be established forever in their own land as Your word has promised. And thank You also for the many precious promises You have also give to the Church. May we individually and collectively look to Jesus, Who has not only saved us by His sacrificial death and glorious resurrection but has called us as children of God and joint-heirs with Christ, in Whose name we pray, AMEN.

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