Penitence and Praise - Study in Prayer (3) 


The people who know their God will be strong and take action. 
Daniel 11:32

Trust God

If we are to truly be watchmen on the wall we must know our God. If we are to be effective intercessors for our fellows we must trust Him too. If we are to be victorious in the battle of the ages we must know and trust our God.

Know God

We must know Him as our Light, our Wisdom, our Assurance and Truth. We must trust Him as our Anchor, our Courage, our Provider and Defender. We must love Him as our Saviour, our Comforter, our Father and Friend.

God’s Word

We do this by taking Him at His Word – trusting His All-Embracing Promises – believing that He IS and that He rewards those that diligently seek Him Hebrews 11:6 But as watchmen on the wall we must also look into the mirror of our own soul. As effective intercessors we must daily have clean hands and a pure heart.

Right Sacrifice

As victorious warriors of Christ we need to offer continual sacrifice to our God,  the Sacrifices of a Broken and Contrite Heart and the Sacrifice of Praise. And you know – this means opening your own heart to His scrutiny and healing.

Right Sphere

How do we keep ourselves in the sphere of intimate love, trust and knowing God? Well – for all questions of life and death, Scripture gives the only answer. The Word of God is our sole plumb-line and one source of understanding and aid.

Pure Fellowship

We are to keep ourselves in fellowship with the Father and be effective in His army. We are to keep a short leash on our transgressions and sins as laid out in 1 John 1:9: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Conviction and Confession

Do you know why this is so important…in spiritual warfare and intercession? Well there are two reasons…One is connected with our own consciences that convict us of our own wrongdoing. How important it is to keep these transgressions on a short leash. How vital to confess all areas where we fail in thought word deed and motive.  How wise to confess our sins to our faithful and just God.

Doubt and Disbelief

The other is do with the enemy of our soul – the accuser of the child of God. Satan that old serpent called the devil seeks to accuse us day and night before God. He will seek to make you think that you are not worthy to be called into such service. He will accuse us of our unworthiness to approach the throne room of God. He will seek to dethrone you from your God-given position in Christ. He will plant doubts in your mind suggesting that God could not accept you!!


But our worthiness is not of us but from faith in Christ, And our eternal seat is secure for we are positioned in Christ, And we have been forever accepted by God because of Christ. This is why it is vital to know our God and to know our position in Christ.


This is why it is crucial to trust God that we truly are accepted in Him. This is why it is paramount to maintain unbroken fellowship with the Father.  In so doing we recognise our conscience and confess our sins. But also that we can identify the enemy’s strategy to accuse us before God. This is why the wise man of God will keep his transgressions on a short lead, This is why the prudent woman of God will keep 1 John 1;9 in clear view.


Thankfulness of heart and penitence of soul are two vital factors in intercession. The Sacrifice of a Broken and Contrite Heart – keeps us in fellowship – and the Sacrifice of Praise- rejoices the heart of God towards His children.


If like Daniel we want to do mighty exploits for our God. We need to know ourselves and know our God. If like Daniel we want to intercede for others, then we need to develop these two vital areas of sacrifice: The Sacrifice of a Broken and Contrite Heart and the Sacrifice of Praise

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