What Does Proverbs 2:1 Mean?

My son, if you will receive my words And treasure my commandments within you,

Proverbs 2:1(NASB)

Verse of the Day

King Solomon was the man to whom is attributed the book of Proverbs, and its contents give an abundance of sound advice on how to live an honourable, productive, and rewarding life.

The first section which covers about nine chapters, starts with a loving lecture of a father to his dearly beloved son. It is the first in a series of proverbs on accumulating wisdom and avoiding folly. It outlines the differences between a wise man and a fool.

In the first four verses of this section, the older man describes the way that the young man needs to behave if he is to acquire the knowledge that his father is offering, and live a wholesome and productive life.

The young man is encouraged to accept, store up, and value the words of his father, as he would do silver or gold. He is to incline his ear to the wise words that are being offered for his learning, and he is to apply them to his heart and understanding.

He is to search for wisdom as he would seek for hidden treasure and precious stones... and he is to understand that the fear of the Lord and reverence for the holy name of God... is the beginning of wisdom and the fount of all knowledge.

This same deep and reverential fear of the Lord, is the first step towards wisdom for each one of us as well. And just as this young man is charged to readily receive the word of his earthly father and to treasure his commands in his heart, so we are to receive the Word of truth from our Heavenly Father with all readiness of spirit... and to value His teaching, in the inner reaches of our mind.

We have to take the Word of the Lord to heart and to store up its truth deep within our being - for those of us who joyfully receive His Word of truth, and treasure His commands in our heart, will discover that they become an ornament that graces our head and a protective shield that keeps us from falling into the foolish ways of the world.

May we be those who dig deeply into the treasure houses contained in the pages of Scripture and discover for ourselves the boundless riches of Christ, "in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for the many words of wisdom that are contained in the book of Proverbs. I pray that I may accept Your Word with all readiness and store it up in my heart. I pray that I would treasure the Scriptures more than I would value much silver and gold, and I ask for Your help to search out the truths that are hidden within its pages. I pray that I may develop a deep and reverential fear for Your holy name and hide Your truths in my heart. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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