What Does Psalm 119:103 Mean?

How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Psalm 119:103(NASB)

Verse of the Day

What great delight the Psalmist took in His Lord, for he had discovered His God to be more precious than the splendid wealth of many kingdoms, deeper than the immense depths of the extensive ocean, vaster than the immeasurable extremities of the universe, and sweeter to the taste than the very sweetest honey dripping down from an overflowing honeycomb.

It was the Word of the Lord that caused such an explosion of ecstatic comparisons and superlative proclamations in this inspired hymn of praise, and every verse in this magnificent psalm pays tribute, in one way or another, to the worthiness of the Most High God and the truth of His Word. David is truly satisfied with the Lord, and his entire song pays tribute to the treasure trove He is mining from the holy Scriptures.

The Psalmist was ready to declare his devotion to the Lord and confess how much God's Word meant to him. It not only instructed and guided him into all truth, and gave him more understanding than His enemies, but kept his heart and mouth pure from defilement. He discovered that all the promises, precepts, pronouncements, and judgements of the Lord, are not only sweet to the taste, but become food for the soul, instil joy in the heart, and give sweet wisdom and discernment to those that honour His name.

The Word of the Lord is nourishment for the soul, comfort of the heart, help for the afflicted, and shelter from the storms of life. The Word of God guides and instructs, it corrects and teaches, and the inspired writings of Scripture become, to the believer, sweeter than the honey that drips from a honeycomb and more to be desired than much fine silver and gold.

But the Word contains both bitterness as well as sweetness, for although the testimonies of the Lord are as sweet as honey in the mouth, they can become as bitter as gall in the stomach. The amazing gospel of the grace and glory of Christ that removes condemnation from all who are saved by grace through faith in Him, is the same gospel of truth and righteousness which places all who have not believed in the only begotten Son of God under God's eternal condemnation and an everlasting separation from the Creator Who made them.

The Cross of Christ is a stumbling block to the unbelieving Jew, and it is foolishness to the pagan Gentile. The former keeps on looking into the sacred text thinking that words alone are the way to eternal life, and the latter looks to their own worldly wisdom and unbiblical mindset as they seek eternal life in the broken cisterns of this world. They worship and praise the creation rather than the Creator, Who deserves their honour and praise, but is treated with disdain and contempt.

"I AM the Word, the living Word of truth in Whom alone is life eternal," is Christ's clear declaration: "I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life." With these statements, Jesus is claiming: "Every single verse points to Me, for I am the One in Whom are the Words of Life. I Am the Word made flesh. I Am Emmanuel. I Am the One that is more precious than fine gold, and I Am the One that is sweeter than honey that drips from the honeycomb." Yes, it is JESUS to Whom the Word of God points. JESUS is the eternal Word.

It is He Who is more to be desired than much fine gold. He is the Word of Life, the Word of Truth, the Word of Peace, and the Word of Hope. It is Jesus Who is sweeter to the taste than the very sweetest honey that is dripping down from an overflowing honeycomb.

May we taste and see that the Lord is good, and wholesome, and sweeter than honey to those that believe. May we find the daily nourishment for our soul in the sweet person of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And may we declare forth His precious promises, precepts, pronouncements, and judgements, which are sweetness and joy to those who trust in Him; to Whom be all praise and glory forever and ever, AMEN.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your written Word which points to Your Living Word, the lovely Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that all that I need for life, health, and wholeness, is found in Him. I delight to meditate on the Lord Jesus and to drink deeply from the life-giving truths that are contained in Him. The Psalmist truly stated that knowing You is more precious than gold and trusting You for salvation is sweeter than honey to the taste. For this I praise Your wonderful name. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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