Upright Devotion 

The same man was just and devout… waiting for the consolation of Israel.
Luke 2:25

Jesus the Jew

Jesus was born a Jew and lived His life in full accordance with the Jewish law, for the law, promises, prophecies and salvation must all come through the Jews. And so on the eighth day, after the custom of the law, Jesus was brought to the temple, and there He was seen by Simeon, and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Ghost was upon him. Luke 2:25

Jesus the Messiah

Simeon was just in his dealings with men and devout in his living towards God. Simeon was one of the remnant of the Jews who sought the Messiah of Scripture. He was not looking for the Saviour in their own imagination.. as did the majority of law-abiding Israelites. It takes the blending of both of Simeon’s characteristics of justice and devotion…  to become a man after God’s own heart. And yet there’s a third characteristic which is often overlooked. This man was 'waiting'.

Jesus the Saviour

The just shall live by faith.. and 'waiting' for the Lord is an active expression of faith. For faith is believing what God has said. Faith is trusting Him in all that He has ever said in His word. Simeon was a wonderful example of a man who continued seeking God, all his life. Simeon had a wider view of the consolation of Israel. He had a broader perspective than the numerous religious folk of his day – he recognised the infant Messiah, the Anointed of Israel was also Saviour of the world.

Jesus the Lamb of God

And for his remarkable, child-like faith, Simeon was one to hold and bless the infant Jesus. He held the 'lamb of God' in his arms and blessed the God of the universe. Why? Why should Simeon be granted this exceptional privilege? What was Simeon’s secret? Well, scripture is its own interpreter, and it seems he never ceased in his expectation.

Simeon Waited

Simeon never stopped watching, waiting, and seeking the Lord, and throughout his life Simeon patiently waited for His Redeemer to come. Day after day after decade he waited. He waited patiently, and he patiently waited. This just, devout believer sought the Lord and waited for Him – for His time.


Waiting! This simple, basic 'formula' is the winning combination in a man or woman of God. Faith – Devotion – Seeking – Waiting. 'Wait' is a word so often underlined in my bible. But Simeon’s patient, long-suffering waiting puts my own vigil to shame.


Seeking! Simeon also spent his patient walk, in seeking the Lord, seek and ye shall find. But it is a faithful hour by hour, day by day, week by week seeking, It is a month – by year – by lifetime seeking that the Lord requires.. and this important lesson is a lesson most of us need to perfect – perseverance in prayer rather than giving up in despair.


Devotion! Yes, a love and a passion and deep, deep devotion to the Lord, but lack of love, passion and devotion is too often our weak, frail downfall – but we are frequently reminded in many ways what to do. Repent and return to your first love. Rev. 2:5


Faith, is the key that unlocks our heart to reach the heart of God. We are all of us ageing in the physical, just like the aged Simeon.. but our souls are eternal and His plans for us are in the celestial body.

Spirit-filled Life

We none of us like to see the daily deteriorating advance – but Simeon had learned the exquisite secret of retaining an exciting, spirit-filled life. Keep trusting Him; keep loving Him; keep seeking Him and keep on waiting on Him

Faithful Life

This faithful godly man was given illumination in his old age, because he demonstrated a life of faith, of love, of patience and – Simeon waited.

Picture of girl courtesy of Larissa

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