What Does Philippians 2:2 Mean?

make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

Philippians 2:2(NASB)

Verse of the Day

In order for believers to be united together in love, joy, peace, and harmony, we are to let the mind of Christ dwell in us richly and to display the same beautiful disposition that Jesus displayed in His earthly life.

No wonder Paul's joy would be complete if his brothers and sisters at Philippi were united together in love, having the same mind and being in full accord with one another. Paul knew that only as we remain in the flowing stream of God's perfect will for our lives, will we become willing channels through whom the thoughts of God's will stream through us, to refresh and encourage others.

Loving each other in the Body of Christ, is a theme that runs throughout the New Testament. Hebrews reminds us to assemble together, and John gives a stern exhortation that anyone who says they love God but hates his brother is a liar. And Jesus Himself exhorts us: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."

One of Satan's favourite ploys is to cause division and divisiveness between friends, family, workmates, and especially in the Body of Christ. Division always causes pain and heartache, and often seems even more painful if the division is between believers. Let us recognise the importance of living in unity with those in our lives, but especially with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Therefore, as the Body of Christ, let us be of one mind, one spirit, and one heart. Let us be transformed into the likeness of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, which will enable us to discern what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God and to display it in our lives.

My Prayer

Loving Father, help me be united together to my brothers and sisters in Christ in love. Give me a humility of heart, and transform my mind into the mind of Christ so that I may think the thoughts that You would have me think so that I may be a channel of Your love to others. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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