The HEIGHT of God’s Superlative Love - Character and Attributes of God (15) 

STUDY - Character and Attributes of GOD 

For God SO loved the world that he GAVE His one and only Son, that WHOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE.
John 3:16

Breadth of Love

The BREADTH of God’s love reaches the four corners of earth and heaven. for God SO loved the world. The Psalmist reminds us: “If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me”. Psalm 139:9)

Length of Love

The LENGTH of God’s love is eternal.. stretching back before the worlds began, for He gave His only begotten Son.. (John 3:16) the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev.13:8). For as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us. (Psalm 103:12)

Depth of Love

The DEPTH of God’s love reaches the pit of hell... encompassing all, including me, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish. (John 3:16)  for if I make my bed in hell, behold You are there. (Psalm 139:8)

Love In Christ

The HEIGHT of God’s Love is to seat you in heavenly places in Christ, so that all who believe shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16). Yes, His love places you where He is and where we shall ever be.. life for the ages… life for the eternal ages to come.

Truth in Love

There is no hypocrisy or insincerity in God’s love. There is no false virtue in His love. There is no affectation or duplicity in His love. There is no false or empty talk in His love. He means what He says, and He says what He means – for His Word is Truth.

God’s Standard

He will never lower His standards for you or for anyone else... nor will He force His love upon the unwilling recipient – on you or on anyone else. Christ loved His own for their sake and Christ loves you for your sake  – not His own advantage or convenience, for you are precious to Him. God is no respecter of persons and He just loves you for who you are – in Christ.

Picture Examples

To the politically great Nicodemus, He said: “You must be born again”. (John 3:7). To the ecclesiastically great scribe, He said, “follow Me, but you will have nowhere to lay your head”. (John 8:20). To the financially rich and great ruler, He said: “your riches hinder your spiritual growth – give them away to the poor”. (Luke 12:33). To the socially great pharisee, Simon He said: “you love only a little, because you only seek Me a little”. (Luke 7:47). To the searching, dedicated heart of Mary, who just sat at His feet and loved, He said, “you have much and you will have much more, and it will not be taken away from you”. (Luke 10:42)

Unbiased Love

God is no respecter of persons, He loves you for who you are, In Christ. He loved for their sake – not His own advantage or convenience. He loves for your sake – not His own advantage or convenience. Those who seek Him and love Him set all aspects of self aside. They recognise the unbrokenness of their hearts and the rebellion in their soul. They are prepared to willingly lay themselves open and bare before Him. They give Him permission to search out every last prideful attitude. They don’t feign lowliness, but unreservedly humble themselves before Him. Those who seek Him and love Him set all aspects of self aside.

Refining Love

It is those He will break and calm and heal and clean and cleanse and love. Those are the ones in whom He will live His life – through them, and they will be told to come up higher. (Luke 14:10)

Best Plans

On a human level, our love for another may be real... so that my plans and my purposes be carried out and fulfilled for my benefit!!  But on Christ’s plane, His love may at first hurt and wound and sting and lacerate, in order that HIS best plans and purposes are fulfilled for your ultimate good.

Wise Words

There is nothing so low in your life that He can’t lift up to the height of His love. There is nothing that is impossible with God.  Chambers put it this way…. “To realise the dimensions of the love of God, its breadth and length and depth and height – will serve to drive home to us the reality of God’s love, and the result of our belief in that love will be that. No question will ever profoundly vex our minds. No sorrow will be so deep as to overwhelm our spirits, because the heart is at rest in God, just as the heart of our Lord was at rest in Him Father. This does not mean that our faith will not be tested. If it is faith, it must be tested – but profoundly speaking it will be easy to believe in God’s love.”

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