What Does Philippians 4:7 Mean?

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7(KJV)

Verse of the Day

As he draws his letter to the believers at Philippi to a close, Paul encourages all of us to live godly lives and to apply all the principles of spiritual living that we learned from him so that we may live a normal, Christian life that is acceptable to the Father and honouring to the Son. To do so will ensure that God's incomprehensible peace will protect our hearts and govern our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We are called to stand fast in the faith of the gospel of Christ, to refrain from any foolish quarrels or unspiritual attitudes towards others, and to keep away from any false doctrine or erroneous teachings. We are to discover our joy in the Lord and gladden our hearts by developing an attitude of rejoicing in Him and in the power of His might so that we may press on to the upward goal of our calling in Christ Jesus.

We are warned neither to fret nor to become anxious about anything that life may throw at us, but rather we are strongly exhorted to depend entirely upon the Lord for everything, for His Word is true and His promises are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus.

And we are urged to pray rightly, which means that in everything we should 'pray first'! Our supplications should be sincere, for our prayers should be conducted in spirit and truth while emanating from in a heart of thanksgiving and praise.

As Paul draws his epistle to a close, we are reminded of the conditions that God Himself has laid down for all His children in order to enjoy that inner, living, perfect peace of God which passes all understanding,

Let us seek to live our Christian life as God intended, with right thinking, right speaking, right acting, and right praying so that the peace of God which transcends all understanding guards our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You that You are the One Who has promised Your inner, living, perfect peace, to all who will read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and apply all the principles of godly living that are set out for our learning in the holy Scriptures. Help me to live my life as You intended, to rejoice continually, to pray without ceasing, and to give thanks in all things, knowing that this is Your will for my life. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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