What Does Psalm 133:1 Mean?

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together in unity!

Psalm 133:1(NASB)

Verse of the Day

The topic of brothers living together in unity was part of Christ's High Priestly prayer, just before His walk to Calvary. In his advancing years the apostle John pleaded: "Little children love one another." Paul continues this theme of unity: "Be of the same mind toward one with another, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, and intent on one purpose," and one Person.

And in his short outburst of praise, we discover king David rejoicing and singing in his heart by faith with thanksgiving: "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony," for it refreshes the soul and is a sweet fragrance that ascends to the Lord and glorifies His holy name.

This was one of the songs of ascent that Israel would sing to the Lord with joy in their hearts, as they advanced on their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This was a hymn of praise that would echo throughout the land of Israel, as God's people travelled towards their sacred destination.

We too are on our own march towards our heavenly home, but every step we make toward that day when the Lord takes us to be with Himself, should be a day when we live together with our brothers and sisters in Christ in gracious harmony and godly unity.

Unity does not imply uniformity. But in the Body of Christ there should be a real oneness of spirit on the essential fundamentals of our faith, while lesser, subordinate issues should not cause wanton discord, disunity, or division. Little disagreements or alternative views on  minor issues should be approached with wisdom and grace.

In all our dealings there should be a godly spirit of unity and love. There should be a patient, kind, gracious love that comes only from the indwelling Spirit of Christ Who is our life, for in Him our soul is refreshed and we are equipped to edify others, which glorifies our Father in heaven.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I pray that I may learn to live together with all my brothers and sisters in Christ in godly love and unity, to Your praise and glory. Protect me from wanton discord, disunity, or division, and help all Your children to stand firm in the faith, because through the death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we who are saved are all united together in Him. May I honour Him by living with my brethren in unity. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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