What Does Psalm 139:4 Mean?

Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all.

Psalm 139:4(NASB)

Verse of the Day

We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and every stanza of this beautiful Psalm drips with God's greatness and tenderness and gives us a glimpse into the unfathomable knowledge of our eternal Creator. Our God is unknowable, and yet He has granted us a peep into His magnificence, beauty and infinite wisdom. He knows us intimately and is able to search out the hidden thoughts of our mind and secret intentions of our heart.

Our God is not a casual onlooker. He is no distant deity. Our Lord Jesus is no unreachable divinity. He knows every move we make and examines every thought we think, for though man may look on the outward appearance, the Lord looks on the heart.

Even before there is a word on my lips, God knows what I am about to say. Even before the hidden thoughts of the mind or secret intentions of the heart are translated into communicative language, the Lord knows and understands it all.

How this should rejoice the heart of the child of God, for there is nothing that can be hidden from the Lord. He knows about every trivial happening as well as every significant event of our lives. He cares about every fear, every pain, every difficulty, every heart-ache, and every joy, and He is there as our ever-present help in time of trouble. 

How important therefore to take every fear, every pain, every difficulty, every heart-ache, and every thought that forms in the secret recesses of our hearts captive, and give it to Him. How important to look to Jesus and to cast all our cares upon Him, for He knows our weakness, but loves us with an everlasting love.

And He came to live a perfect life and die a sacrificial death so that we might rise to life immortal, by faith in Him.

My Prayer

Thank You, Father, that You know me so intimately and care for me so deeply. Keep me from secret sins and prideful thoughts. Help me to take every thought captive to Christ and to cast all my cares upon You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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