What Does Proverbs 2:2 Mean?

Make your ear attentive to wisdom, Incline your heart to understanding;

Proverbs 2:2(NASB)

Verse of the Day

Both parents and children would do well to review the wise instructions given by one father to his son, in the book of Proverbs. Those who pay attention to his words and apply his directives are wise indeed and will gain a right understanding, a clear direction, and a respect for justice and equity - as they journey along the path of life.

In this verse, we are to make our ear attentive to wisdom and incline our heart to understanding. And throughout the Word of God, we discover that, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom," and that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is the power of God and the wisdom of God, to all who believe - and we are one with Him.

The first, important step towards acquiring godly wisdom, is to recognise one's lack... and to understand that God is the only one that can supply the knowledge and understanding we need - according to His riches in glory. We live in a world that idolises self-sufficiency and rejects the eternal truth of the glory of God... and yet we are to find our full sufficiency in Christ - for in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and we are complete in Him.

God is the source of wisdom and the supply of all our wisdom. He is the fountain of knowledge and we should desire to gain understanding, more than much fine gold. It is through the written Word of God that His wisdom is revealed to those that are His... and it is by submission to the indwelling Holy Spirit that we are guided into all truth.

It is not an academic, head knowledge of God's Word that is important... but a consecrated soul whose heart is fully submitted to Him, and whose life is a living sacrifice unto the Lord. And God gives generously to all who seek Him, in faith, and incline their ear to get understanding.

My Prayer

Give me an understanding heart, I pray, Heavenly Father, and an ear that is open to Your Word. Help me, in all things, to make my heart attentive to Your wisdom - and I pray that I may not be mesmerised by the foolish wisdom of the world, but resolutely seek the Lord with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my strength for Your eternal praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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